"I am moved to provide the highest recommendation for Marilyn.
I have had the privilege of working with Marilyn for the past few years. She has done a wonderful job of developing my personal website. My site is highly complex — involving many articles, interviews, and videos. She has done a great job of making it user friendly.
I have received feedback from hundreds of people about my site. It has all been very positive! Marilyn deserves much of the credit for this success.
Along with her great technical job in developing my site, Marilyn has been a pleasure to work with. She has shown the highest integrity and has handled a couple of tough situations in a very professional way."
Marshall Goldsmith
Founder, Marshall Goldsmith Partners, LLC
New York, NY and Rancho Santa Fe, California

Thank you for all your hope, inspiration and work.
Gary Ranker
The Corporate Politics Coach
Forbes Top 5 Executive Coach
Manhattan, NYC

Marilyn McLeod cares deeply about her craft of developing people. She's been fortunate, indeed, to work with the Marshall Goldsmith Library, since Marshall is one of the most original thinkers in the development field, and one of the most generous—he gives away
his ideas to benefit others. I know that Marilyn, too, has a similar abundance mind-set and shares her ideas and services freely. I respect her curiosity and diligence in the search for excellence. I call her a champion of excellence.
Ken Shelton, editor
Leadership Excellence

"Marilyn is a master of her trade. She organized and
hosted Thought Leader interviews; she created an atmosphere of relaxed excitement
and intellectual stimulation which everyone seemed to feel and respond to from
the moment they arrived.
Marilyn McLeod is an example of pure ability in action."
Nathaniel Branden
Pioneer in the field of Self-Esteem
Collaborator with Ayn Rand

"There are coaches who will stir up your emotions, give you an assignment and make you feel as if you can accomplish anything, but when the work is in front of you, and the emotion is gone, you wonder where the power you felt went and you feel you are right back where you began. Not with Marilyn McLeod.
Marilyn is an excellent business coach, because she listens to you, your vision for your company and then with her expert business knowledge guides you to fruition. She will ask you the important business questions you may not have considered or overlooked because of the variety of actions you must complete. Her guidance, business acumen and insightful information sets you on a path from overwhelm to achievement and growth.
Today having a business coach is as important as having a business plan and having the right coach is the difference between cash poor and cash flow. Marilyn McLeod will work with you and assist you in creating a realistic strategy for development and success.
You leave Marilyn with greater clarity, tools for executing your plan, a strategy that works and your excitement grows with each step, because you are in a position of empowerment. You are beyond the vision, beyond the dream and into your life."
Victoria Medina
Professional Actor and Photographic Artist
Numina Images

"Marilyn takes the time to internalize and really learn concepts before applying them. Her natural listening and attending skills make her one of the most qualified individuals I know to be a successful behavioral coach."
Frank Wagner
Stakeholder Centered Coaching
Train the Coach Certification

"It was obvious in my working with Marilyn over a two year period that she was a wonderful team player. She always brought her kind heart and spirit and willingness to whatever was on the table."
Kathryn Hall
Kathryn Hall, Publicist

If you have the chance to hire Coach Marilyn, do yourself a favor and do it!
I have worked with Marilyn on several large projects: the gala launch of a new organizational partnership, a hurry-up web conversion project, the rebranding of a website, and the development and organization of a partnership project. I found her technical skills to be superb; whether the question was about how to convert video, how to change a flash movie or how to track response to Google ads, Marilyn knows how.
But then, so do a lot of tech consultants. What makes Marilyn so special is that her technical expertise comes bundled with superb interpersonal skills. She can help you think through both the technical and the human part of the problem, then help you implement the solution.
Best of all, she's a joy to have around as a colleague. She's not only happy to pitch in and get the job done, she does it with it humor and compassion.
Nicolette Toussaint
Communications Director
Alliant International University
San Francisco, California

Marilyn, now that I have had an opportunity to observe your interaction with the students, I wanted to congratulate you on your professionalism and directness in dealing with the groups. That in itself is good training for them.
Dr. Rachna Kumar
Professor, Information Systems and Technology
Marshall Goldsmith School of Management
Alliant International University
San Diego, California

"Thanks again for all your work and attention to details that really helped make last night's event such a success, in my view. It is wonderful to have someone with your dedication and caliber associated with and supporting the Marshall Goldsmith School of Management — we are all richer for it!"
Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D.
Professor, Marshall Goldsmith School of Management
Alliant International University
San Diego, California

"I have complete faith in your skills, professionalism and judgment, and am secure in the knowledge that you are the best in your field. And I am the beneficiary."
Melissa Pregill, San Diego, California

"Marilyn has turned the agonising process of developing my
website into a personal growth experience far beyond what I had
hoped for. Working with Marilyn has been encouraging, supportive
and fun!"
Gina Lawrie, London, U.K.

"You helped me get off my you know what and get something done that was very important to me. I needed a partner I could trust, who had the skills to help me. Thank you for your support and encouragement."
Barbara Urschel, Orcas Island, Washington

"I learned not to forget about what I love doing, and include
it as part of my day in order to stay motivated."
Maria Contreras, San Diego, California

"During the several years I handled IIT Administration for CNVC, I worked often with Marilyn McLeod. I felt and feel impressed, grateful, and secure when I recall Marilyn's work. Marilyn kept agreements; met deadlines; was available to and supportive of her colleagues and the public; provided accurate records and creative problem-solving; and consistently offered thinking, resource, vision, time, and support to everyone involved in the IIT community. She built and maintained a relationship of goodwill between CNVC and the Glen Ivy community who hosted several CNVC IITs.
Marilyn also provided sharing, hospitality, and support to the community at large, contributing to a sense of security and cohesiveness far beyond simply "doing the work." For example, Marilyn created web-based "bulletin boards" for IITs, so that participants interested in ride-sharing could connect with one another while still protecting the privacy of participants who might not want their addresses made public. Marilyn offered training and support to other IIT organizers, particularly in setting up greeting/checkin processes to facilitate connection and ease.
Before, during and after every event, Marilyn made herself available to those around her to consider what was going well and what could go better. Marilyn was dealing within structures not of her making (such as IIT registration procedures), but at a time when people within CNVC hoped to create a more inclusive or more democratic organization. Hence Marilyn's steady reminders to seek mutual clarity, compassion, and creative effectiveness provided a foundation for trust and friendship in otherwise unsteady circumstances. I appreciate Marilyn personally and professionally very much, and hope her talents may be widely used."
Shari Klein
International Intensive Training Administrator
Center for Nonviolent Communication

"Since I've always considered myself a highly organized person,
I was somewhat surprised and very pleased by what Ms. McLeod was
able to offer me. She took ideas from a brainstorming session with
about two dozen supporters and integrated that material into a coherent
framework. She also made some very helpful suggestions for how I
could improve my personal system of organization.
During all of
this, she was consistently supportive and understanding. She asked
helpful questions and listened well to what I had to say, even when
my ideas were still rather unclear. What she has provided in these
ways has helped me to clarify my thinking, to maintain an overall
perspective on my work, and to track progress on individual tasks."
Gary Baran, Executive Director
Center for Nonviolent Communication, Glendale, California

"Marilyn is very accommodating, personable, and quick to anticipate
what needs to be done. She came up with creative solutions designed
to accommodate me and my idiosyncrasies. I asked her to prepare
a one hour class to teach office organizing to a diverse group of
200 women. Her presentation was clear, to the point, sprinkled with
humor, and supported with easy to understand handouts. I particularly
appreciate her flexibility and problem solving abilities."
Joan Brunner, Executive Senior National Sales Director
Mary Kay Cosmetics, San Diego, California

"Bless you, Marilyn! You have succeeded in making this as easy as possible for me... It could have taken me years to come up with this kind of detailed plan, with so much taken into account! Truly, this has saved a lot of time and frustration, I'm certain... I feel so much gratitude and relief for this kind of support from you..wow.."
Barbara Larson, Bainbridge Island, Washington

"You translated the instructions in such an attractive, lively and amusing way that you actually made it fun for me to install the software, taking me right through to testing the telephone link between my computer in Brussels and yours in California! I was amazed, not at my ability to do the impossible, but at your skill in enabling me to go through with the procedure enjoyably. I would readily recommend your services to anyone who feels apprehensive—or even unqualified—when it comes to building up the trust that they can in fact perform a similarly daunting task."
Godfrey Spencer, Chairman of the Board
GITRACOM, Brussels, Belgium

"Using Marilyn's system, I never feel at loose ends. I no longer feel that I'm spending my valuable time getting organized, because I stay organized! When my desk and office become cluttered, I simply start dispersing items to the appropriate spot, or create a new spot and presto—I'm ready to work! Thank you, Marilyn!"
Rhonda Barnett, Senior Sales Director
Mary Kay Cosmetics, San Diego, California

"I have experienced Marilyn's organizing skills at several CNVC nine-day intensive trainings, handling a multitude of complex situations and offering creative solutions to the needs of the many participants, all with a warm smile and willing energy."
Rita Herzog, Columbus, Ohio

"Working with Marilyn in preparing for a first NVC IIT Training in Australia was deeply rewarding. Marilyn brought clarity with kindness and honesty as I sought information and support through what at times was a personally challenging and complex process. I would gladly engage in working again with Marilyn, feeling confident that my needs for caring, clear, concise and tangible support would be met."
Linda Rysenbry
2Relate Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia

"Thank you so very much for the time, energy and love you put into organizing the seminar. I enjoyed the attention to detail, which made things go so smoothly."
Myra Walden, Chicago, Illinois

"I very much enjoyed the support and presence you provided at the Corona seminar. I was impressed by your dedication and care that I saw you take for the participants and the training staff. As a trainer, my job was easier and I could trust that ours and participants' needs would be valued and taken care of with your best efforts."
Robert Gonzales, Prescott, Arizona

"Working with Marilyn is a practice in receiving gifts and treasures as she seems to delight (and succeed) in anticipating and meeting needs before they've been expressed and sometimes even identified by me! I feel most generously and warmly supported and attended to."
Cynthia Moe, Atlanta, Georgia

"After working with Marilyn for over 5 years, it is a pleasure for me to be able to state that I have consistently found Marilyn to be very eager to assist, happy to "go the second mile" to help, clear in her explanations and instructions, innovative in her problem-solving, and patient and considerate in her dealings with others."
Deanna Bertholf, Dallas, Texas

"Marilyn, thank you so much! Reading your input gave me chills as my need for support was met in such abundance. I said to myself, these words are like gold!"
Rodger Sorro, Santa Barbara, California
