Books |
Global Mindset Leadership: Navigating China and U.S. Business Cultures
Peer Coaching
Recession or Plenty
Secrets of Self-Publishing
Social Media Series for Small Business:
Vol 1: Beginners
Vol 2: Time Management and Social Media
Vol 3: How to Work with Your Web Developer
Vol 4: Strategy
Vol 5: Workbook
Vols 1-5: Package
Social Media Overview
Social Media for Coaches
by Dr. Gary Ranker, Donny Huang and Marilyn McLeod
We define global mindset as the willingness and ability to step outside one’s own base culture, and to respectfully understand there is no universally correct way to do things.
From that perspective, some interesting observations can be made. Certainly there are great differences between Chinese and U.S. cultures. There are also many similarities. Surprisingly, going beyond surface appearances, we find that some things which seem to make us different, are actually quite similar. And some things which seem similar on the surface may have very different connotations within each culture.
For instance, both cultures have within their traditions the concept of a dragon. To the Westerner, a dragon conjures up images of a fearful creature that needs to be conquered. By contrast, Chinese embrace the dragon as a benevolent creature that symbolizes strength, wisdom, good luck and power.
We invite you, within the pages of this book, to set aside any preconceived notions of either the U.S. or Chinese culture, and learn from our exploration of each other’s ways. From the vantage point of the other culture, you may even learn some new things about your own.
The payoff of having a global mindset is greater awareness that will help you navigate more effectively through business interactions and strategies on your way to a successful initiative with the other culture.
Chapter 1: Understanding Global Mindset
Chapter 2: Tracing History
Chapter 3: Confucian Ethics and Politics
Chapter 4: Generational Differences in Chinese Society
Chapter 5: Cultural Dimensions
Chapter 6: Context and Rules
Chapter 7: Developing Cultural Competence
Chapter 8: Merging Business Cultures
Chapter 9: Joint Ventures in China
Chapter 10: Global Mindset Applied
Resources: Assessment Tools
- Global Mindset Inventory
- Relationship Strategy Tool
- Worldpass
ISBN: 978-1930771437
March 10, 2014
Peer Coaching Reference: Extending Your Coaching Dollar
by Marilyn McLeod
In Peer Coaching each participant acts as both the coach and the client. Each chooses a behavior to improve, and they meet regularly for support. It is best used as an adjunct to an existing coaching program.
Once an organization has learned to implement the coaching process they are able to continue following up by helping each other, often with the support of the trainer who initially introduced the concept through a group presentation to staff. This is a cost-effective way to implement a coaching initiative which allows more people within the organization to enjoy the benefits of coaching.
I learned more about peer coaching from Marshall Goldsmith when we brought it to Haas School of Business in 2007. In this book I describe the method and suggest various ways to apply the concept, including stakeholder centered coaching.
ISBN: 9781449981389 CS
To Be Published
$29.97 + 3.99 shipping (U.S. address)

Recession or Plenty: 7 Steps to Success in Business & in Life
by Marilyn McLeod
Marilyn McLeod, personal management coach for small business owners, takes the reader through seven important steps to increase success in business, projects, and life.
Idea-generator, reference, and comfort food for the soul, the book has a friendly tone and includes candid stories of real people and key principles by today’s greatest thinkers.
Easy to read with chapter summaries and exercises, Recession or Plenty: 7 Steps to Success in Business & in Life is a powerful tool for people in any capacity who choose to take an active role in creating a better life for themselves and those around them.
Table of Contents
A Personal Note
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1: Recession or Plenty
Chapter 2: Success
Chapter 3: Ownership
Chapter 4: Image
Chapter 5: Legacy
The 7 Steps
Chapter 6: You
Chapter 7: Customers
Chapter 8: Business
Chapter 9: Focus
Chapter 10: Sales
Chapter 11: Follow-up & Delivery
Chapter 12: Review & Celebrate
Chapter 13: Bill - Recovery
Chapter 14: Richard and Sharon – Exploring New Roles
Chapter 15: James Singletary – Second Career
Chapter 16: John and Pat Hendrickson– Team Effort
Chapter 17: Daryl – Young and Single
Chapter 18: Adolph Bolm – Second Chance & Lasting Legacy
Chapter 19: Young Marilyn – Responsibility Without Authority
Chapter 20: Rose, George and Brian – On Their Own
Tools & Resources
My Mentors:
Nathaniel Branden
Chris Coffey
Peter Drucker
Marshall Goldsmith
Paul Hersey
Frances Hesselbein
Arthur Samuel Joseph
Gary Ranker
Srikumar S. Rao
Ken Shelton
Personal Management Tools:
Coaching, Peer Coaching
Daily Routine
Financial Tips
Healthy Exercises
Finding Your Desk
Focus Session
How to Use a Planner
Needs Literacy
Open Space Technology
Project Management
Quality Cave Time
Twelve Steps, Traditions, Concepts, Serenity Prayer
Values-Based Time Management
Feelings Charts - Satisfied & Unsatisfied
Needs Chart
Amazon: compact, small print version
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |
Secrets of Self-Publishing: Digital Tools for Publishing and Marketing
by Marilyn McLeod
Do you have a book in you? Have you ever considered publishing your own material? Many new online services make it easier and less expensive to publish in print and digital form. Learn how to disseminate your creative work and develop a following for fulfillment and profit.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: I Wrote the Book … Now What?!
Chapter 2: Author’s Checklist
Chapter 3: Creating the Cover in Photoshop
Chapter 4: InDesign Layout Step by Step
Chapter 5: HTML Layout Step by Step
Chapter 6: Repurposing Content
Chapter 7: Social Media
Chapter 8: Follow up
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |
Social Media Series |
Social Media for Beginners: Step by Step for Small Business
Volume 1: Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
Are you feeling overwhelmed about social media and online marketing? Don’t despair! Everyone is new to this at some level; we’re all learning. I’ve distilled what I know into a small book you can start using right away, regardless of your level of expertise and how much time you have.
Learn the basics about social media, blogs and websites, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in an easy, step by step way. Begin with the Quick Startup Checklist or go through the book incrementally ... you set your own pace and choose the reading and reference style that works for you.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Social Media 101
Chapter 2: Quick Startup Checklist
Chapter 3: Blogs and Websites
Chapter 4: LinkedIn
Chapter 5: Facebook
Chapter 6: Twitter
Chapter 7: Follow up
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |
Social Media for Small Business: Tips for Using Your Time Effectively
Volume 2: Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
As a small business, you’re especially close to the bottom line so you’re always trying to do more with less. I know you want to get more marketing exposure with fewer ad dollars. I know you also want more results with less effort because you're already too busy.
The promise of social media is free advertising to reach an unlimited audience. The cost in dollars is usually free or very low. The cost comes in as time invested. I’m writing this book to help you use your limited time in the most effective way to support your business and personal goals.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Social Media – Simply a Time Drain?
Chapter 2: 10 Minute Tasks
Chapter 3: Time Management Applied
Chapter 4: Values to Daily Tasks
Chapter 5: Automating and Delegating
Chapter 6: Universal Needs Chart
Chapter 7: Follow Up
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |
How to Work with Your Web Developer: Asking the Right Questions
Volume 3: Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
You’re probably very busy doing what you do to bring in new customers and deliver your products and services, and you’re probably working with a web developer to handle the technical side of your online presence.
You may be thinking you’re not ‘tuned in’ to social media, and you probably don’t really enjoy doing this yourself, anyway.
This books helps you understand the general territory of online marketing, search engine optimization and social media from your web developer’s point of view.
Does your web developer know how to do all of these things? Don’t be too hard on them if they don’t. The Internet is a large and complicated place, and we’re all learning together. We all tend to specialize, and only learn something new when we need to. The point is … is your developer interested in learning, and if so, will you pay the price for their learning curve, or will they invest some of their own time to learn something new? Or is what you’re wanting outside their area of expertise? You may need a team of Internet professionals to address what you want to accomplish online.
Throughout the book you’ll find questions you can ask to give you more insight into how your developer can help you meet your online goals, and to help you speak their language so you can ask more specifically for what you want.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: How a Website Works
Chapter 2: How Search Engines Work
Chapter 3: Designer or Developer
Chapter 4: Social Media - Your Role and When to Get Help
Chapter 5: Questions to Ask
Chapter 6: Follow-up
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |
Social Media Strategy: Navigating the New World Online
Volume 4: Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
This book is chock full of more resources and strategies than you could possibly use. I consider this the reference book of the series. There is less commentary and the resources are more distilled. If you think you have to do it all, it can be overwhelming. No one can do it all. No one needs to do it all.
It’s important to be judicious in how you use these online tools, and to create a strategy that helps you accomplish your goals and doesn’t waste your time. Take what you can use now and leave the rest for another day. And remember to have some fun!
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Strategy
Chapter 2: Your Online Identity and Message
Chapter 3: The Step by Step Plan
Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Social Networks
Chapter 5: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Chapter 6: Typical Strategies and Case Studies
Chapter 7: Universal Feelings & Needs Charts
Chapter 8: Follow up
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Social Media Workbook: Creating Your Master Plan
Volume 5: Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
I've found it's useful to keep track of my social media campaigns on paper (or through digital documents), so I offer this companion book to help you keep track of your progress while reading the other books in the series.
Available in print or various digital versions.
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Package: Social Media Series for Small Business
Get all 5 volumes for $79.97 ($95.85 value) + 3.99 shipping
Volume 1: Social Media for Beginners (Getting Started)
Volume 2: Social Media for Small Business (Time Management)
Volume 3: How to Work with Your Web Developer (Technical)
Volume 4: Social Media Strategy (Advanced)
Volume 5: Social Media Workbook (Companion Workbook) |
Social Media Overview: Strategies for Small Business
Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
Social Media Overview is a compilation of Volumes 1-3 of the Social Media Series for Small Business and includes sections on getting started with social media, using ones time effectively, technical information, insights on how to work with your web developer or designer, and examples of social media strategy.
Volume 5: Social Media Workbook: Creating Your Master Plan is not included in Social Media Overview, and should be purchased separately as a companion workbook.
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Social Media for Coaches: Strategic Communication Online
Social Media Series for Small Business
by Marilyn McLeod
Social Media for Coaches revisits the relevant points in my Social Media for Small Business Series and Recession or Plenty: 7 Steps to Success in Business & in Life through the lens of an independent business or life coach.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: You as a Coach
Chapter 2: Creating Your Online Plan
Chapter 3: Social Media Basics
Chapter 4: Your Ideal Client
Chapter 5: Social Media to Find and Support Clients
Chapter 6: Automating and Delegating
Chapter 7: Time Management Tips
Chapter 8: Universal Feelings & Needs Charts
Chapter 9: Follow up
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Health |
Nutrigenomic Diet for Weight and Fat Loss: One Consumer's Journey
by Marilyn McLeod
Research shows dieters who choose weight loss or fat loss diet and exercise appropriate to their genetics have lost 2.5 times as much weight in 12 months as those with random diet, and keep off extra weight. Marilyn brings her coaching skills to help reduce stress, improve stress management and time management.
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: It Really Is All About You
Chapter 2: Quick Checklist
Chapter 3: The Nutrigenomic Approach
Chapter 4: About Your Diet Plan
Chapter 5: About Your Exercise Program
Chapter 6: Supplementary Support
Chapter 7: The Big Threats
Chapter 8: Helping Others
Chapter 9: Follow Up
Chapter 10: Suggested Resources
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Other Digital Formats (Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (formerly Shortcovers), Sony |